April 29, 2019
Most people don’t just decide to concealed carry; it is usually preceded by some event. You or someone you love may have been robbed or attacked, your neighborhood has changed making you fearful, reports of crime in the news have made you want to take responsibility for your own or your family’s protection. Whatever the reason, you have now made a commitment to become a responsible, armed citizen and that is the first step.
What’s next? Get a gun and ammo and head for the firing range? Not just yet. Concealed Carry comes with responsibility. You are responsible for becoming proficient at handling your firearm, for understanding the concealed carry laws and for securing your firearm safely.
Firearms training. Most people focus way too much on “What kind of gun should I get?”, and far too little on learning how to be safe and proficient with it. Training is extremely important. Any firearm you own is a liability if you have not learned how to use it. There are plenty of fantastic training resources available today through gun shops, firing ranges, private instruction etc. Make sure you take a course that will provide you:
- Firearms Safety training
- Fundamentals of Shooting
- Basic Maintenance
- Individual Legal responsibility
- Your state’s law requirements
- Range qualification
Get your Concealed Carry Permit or License. After successfully completing the class, you can apply for a concealed carry permit with your local government. When it comes to how to get your concealed guns permit, the procedure is different for every state. Regardless of the type of jurisdiction, there are some steps you’ll need to take to apply for your permit:
- Identify the permitting authority in your state or jurisdiction, and request CCW permit application materials.
- Completely fill out all application paperwork. Make sure to double-check every document you submit, as failing to fill it out completely can cause delay or outright denial of your permit application.
- Pay the required fees. The application fees are typically lower for residents of the jurisdiction, so make sure you are applying to the correct jurisdiction to minimize costs associated with getting a CCW permit.
- Take gun safety or firearms training courses. Some jurisdictions require that you pass a safety training class before you will be eligible for a CCW permit, but proper training should be received regardless of whether or not it is required in your jurisdiction. So, make sure to complete all necessary courses prior to submitting your application.
Purchase a firearm. For people that don’t own a firearm yet, this means you will need to purchase one. If you are going to carry the gun on your person for protection, you will want a gun that is small enough and light enough that it is easy to conceal and carry all day long. There is no specific gun that is going to be the right gun for all shooters. Go to a gun shop or firing range and talk to people and get some reviews. No matter what caliber of handgun you choose, choose a good quality gun, do not skimp here, you may regret your decision later when your life is depending on that bargain basement gun you bought.
Decide how you will carry. The safest place to keep a gun is also the most readily available should you need it in an instant. That is, on your person. If you are serious about concealed carry you will carry anywhere you may legally do so. The gun needs to be a part of your everyday attire for maximum proficiency and efficiency.
If you are going to be carrying a firearm on you, you need to ensure that you have a safe and accessible means of doing this. Concealed carry holsters come in all sizes, styles, and materials. Think about the most safe, comfortable, and accessible way that you can carry your firearm. If you are not able to carry your firearm directly on your body, there are also concealed carry purses and bags available on the market (although this is a significant step down from carrying
Safely store your gun. If you are going to keep firearms and ammunition, it’s imperative that you take full and complete responsibility for securing it. Accidents are a devastating reality of improper firearm storage. Make the commitment that this will never happen with your firearms by committing to secure storage. There are a wide variety of exceptional gun safes available on the market today.
Commitment to ongoing training. This means both classroom training and hands-on, situational training. Once again, this doesn’t mean that you need to be Rambo, but you need to stay sharp. Being a responsibly armed citizen is not a single checklist item that you can do once and then forget about. Regular training forces you to think about scenarios in which you may need to protect yourself with firearms.
National Carry Academy offers both online and in-person concealed carry training. Click here to get started today.
April 29, 2019
Most people don’t just decide to concealed carry; it is usually preceded by some event. You or someone you love may have been robbed or attacked, your neighborhood has changed making you fearful, reports of crime in the news have made you want to take responsibility for your own or your family’s protection. Whatever the reason, you have now made a commitment to become a responsible, armed citizen and that is the first step.
What’s next? Get a gun and ammo and head for the firing range? Not just yet. Concealed Carry comes with responsibility. You are responsible for becoming proficient at handling your firearm, for understanding the concealed carry laws and for securing your firearm safely.
Firearms training. Most people focus way too much on “What kind of gun should I get?”, and far too little on learning how to be safe and proficient with it. Training is extremely important. Any firearm you own is a liability if you have not learned how to use it. There are plenty of fantastic training resources available today through gun shops, firing ranges, private instruction etc. Make sure you take a course that will provide you:
- Firearms Safety training
- Fundamentals of Shooting
- Basic Maintenance
- Individual Legal responsibility
- Your state’s law requirements
- Range qualification
Get your Concealed Carry Permit or License. After successfully completing the class, you can apply for a concealed carry permit with your local government. When it comes to how to get your concealed guns permit, the procedure is different for every state. Regardless of the type of jurisdiction, there are some steps you’ll need to take to apply for your permit:
- Identify the permitting authority in your state or jurisdiction, and request CCW permit application materials.
- Completely fill out all application paperwork. Make sure to double-check every document you submit, as failing to fill it out completely can cause delay or outright denial of your permit application.
- Pay the required fees. The application fees are typically lower for residents of the jurisdiction, so make sure you are applying to the correct jurisdiction to minimize costs associated with getting a CCW permit.
- Take gun safety or firearms training courses. Some jurisdictions require that you pass a safety training class before you will be eligible for a CCW permit, but proper training should be received regardless of whether or not it is required in your jurisdiction. So, make sure to complete all necessary courses prior to submitting your application.
Purchase a firearm. For people that don’t own a firearm yet, this means you will need to purchase one. If you are going to carry the gun on your person for protection, you will want a gun that is small enough and light enough that it is easy to conceal and carry all day long. There is no specific gun that is going to be the right gun for all shooters. Go to a gun shop or firing range and talk to people and get some reviews. No matter what caliber of handgun you choose, choose a good quality gun, do not skimp here, you may regret your decision later when your life is depending on that bargain basement gun you bought.
Decide how you will carry. The safest place to keep a gun is also the most readily available should you need it in an instant. That is, on your person. If you are serious about concealed carry you will carry anywhere you may legally do so. The gun needs to be a part of your everyday attire for maximum proficiency and efficiency.
If you are going to be carrying a firearm on you, you need to ensure that you have a safe and accessible means of doing this. Concealed carry holsters come in all sizes, styles, and materials. Think about the most safe, comfortable, and accessible way that you can carry your firearm. If you are not able to carry your firearm directly on your body, there are also concealed carry purses and bags available on the market (although this is a significant step down from carrying
Safely store your gun. If you are going to keep firearms and ammunition, it’s imperative that you take full and complete responsibility for securing it. Accidents are a devastating reality of improper firearm storage. Make the commitment that this will never happen with your firearms by committing to secure storage. There are a wide variety of exceptional gun safes available on the market today.
Commitment to ongoing training. This means both classroom training and hands-on, situational training. Once again, this doesn’t mean that you need to be Rambo, but you need to stay sharp. Being a responsibly armed citizen is not a single checklist item that you can do once and then forget about. Regular training forces you to think about scenarios in which you may need to protect yourself with firearms.
National Carry Academy offers both online and in-person concealed carry training. Click here to get started today.