National Carry AcademyState Laws & Requirements
June 3, 2019
By completing the online carry training class, you will be able to apply for a permit allowing you to carry using a Virginia Non-Resident Permit/License. Please watch our video HERE to learn more.
If the Reciprocity legislation regarding concealed carry passes, all states will have to accept the concealed carry permits of other states. The rules regarding how each state will interpret concealed carry will not be changed by this new legislation.
Remember, not ALL states accept this course. Please read your state’s most current laws below BEFORE purchasing this class. All sales are final.
In the State of Alabama laws state anyone over eighteen can own a handgun without a concealed carry permit. That weapon may not be a sawed off shot or short rifle. Alabama does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a way to conceal carry in Alabama. However, having this permit might help you to acquire your Alabama state permit. You can get a state permit at any Alabama state sheriff’s office.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Alaskans who are eligible to own a handgun may conceal carry without a permit. The state does not issue concealed carry permits to non-residents. Having Online Carry Training’s Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit will allow Alaskan residents to conceal carry in many other states. Non-residents are encouraged to have the Online Carry Training’s Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit as it will allow them to carry their concealed firearm in Alaska.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Arizona allows any resident legally eligible to own a handgun to conceal carry without a concealed carry permit. However, the state offers concealed carry permits to Arizona residents who want to increase the number of states where they can concealed carry.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit allows nonresidents to conceal carry in Arizona.
Apply for an online Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit. For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Arkansas issues handgun concealed carry permits to Arkansas residents through an Arkansas State Police online training course. However, if you are a nonresident or you want to concealed carry in other states, the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License honored in Arkansas is also honored in many other states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
California has strict gun control laws. The state does not yet honor concealed carry permits from other states. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
California residents can increase the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry a weapon by getting the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License which allows them to conceal carry in many states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Colorado does issue carry permit/licenses to residents. The state also does not accept non-resident carry permit/licenses from other states presently. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Colorado will accept certain carry permit/licenses issued to residents of other states if you are a resident of the state that issued the permit.
Colorado does NOT recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal way to concealed carry in Colorado. However, Colorado residents can increase the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry a weapon by getting the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License which allows them to conceal carry in many states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Connecticut does not presently recognize or accept concealed carry permits from other states. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Connecticut also does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal way to conceal carry in Connecticut.
However, Connecticut residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Delaware does not recognize The Online Carry Training Program for its residents and nonresidents to conceal carry. The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Delaware does issue permits to its residents to conceal carry. These permit/licenses can be obtained by residents of Delaware through the Prothonotary Office.
Non-residents of Delaware may also be issued a temporary permit. This is up to the discretion of the Attorney General.
Delaware residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Florida does not accept Online Training’s Program for concealed carry in Florida whether you are a resident or a nonresident.
The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
However, the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Floridians concealed carry in many states across the country.
Florida residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Georgia does not issue non-resident conceal carry permits. However, it does issue permits to Georgia residents. These can be obtained through the Probate Courts.
Georgia does not accept Online Training’s Program for concealed carry in the state whether you are a resident or a nonresident.
Georgia also does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
But you could use the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to demonstrate handgun safety and use it to assist in obtaining a Georgia concealed carry permit.
The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Georgians to conceal carry in many states across the country.
Georgia residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit ,The Online Carry Training course residents of Georgia can click on:
In Hawaii, there is no license requirement for a firearm. However it must be registered when it is brought into the state.
Online Carry Training’s concealed carry program is not applicable in Hawaii. Hawaiian residents must register with country police in five days of their arrival in any county.
Hawaii is an “open carry” state. In rare situations where citizens fear for their lives, a concealed carry permit may be granted. With the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity Laws that may be enacted this could change.
Hawaiian law bans assault rifles and pistols and sawed off rifles or shotguns.
While Hawaiians cannot use their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to acquire an Hawaii Permit to Carry it will allow them to conceal carry in other states.
For more information, Hawaiians can click on:
Carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Idaho is possible with the help of the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. Idaho honors the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal permit for carrying a concealed weapon.
Since July 1, 2016, Idaho allows residents who are twenty-one and qualified to have a concealed carry firearm to do so without a permit.
A person who does have a concealed weapons license may carry a deadly weapon or firearm concealed and loaded in a vehicle.
Concealed weapon licenses are available from Idaho County Sheriff offices so that Idaho residents may carry in other states although this will not be necessary when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
For more information, Idaho residents can click on:
As of July, 2013, a concealed carry license is required to carry a concealed weapon.
Illinois does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a legal permit to carry a concealed weapon in the state. However, this will change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
However, Illinois residents are encouraged to take our online class and apply for the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit. This will expand the number of states where Illinois citizens can concealed carry their firearm.
For more information, Illinois residents can click on:
In Indiana, residents and nonresident over eighteen can conceal carry with a permit. Two typed of licenses—lifetime and limited term—are available. If the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation come into effect, Indiana will also recognize concealed carry permits from other states. Presently, the state of Indiana accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry License as a legal concealed carry permit.
For more information, Indiana residents can click on:
Iowa does not accept the Virginia Non Resident Carry License as a legal concealed carry permit. However, carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Iowa is helped by taking this class. This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
To carry a concealed weapon in Iowa, you will apply for an Iowa Permit to Carry. This is done in person at your local Sheriff’s office. You will be required to fill out an application, provide photo ID (driver’s license) along with your certificate of class completion and pay an application fee of $50.
For more information, Iowa residents can click on:
Any Kansas resident who can legally own a firearm can conceal carry without a permit.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
Online Carry Training Program is not needed to give you the ability to carry in Kansas but residents of Kansas can still utilize the online training program to obtain their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to add to the number of states in which they can presently carry.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Kansas residents can click on:
Any Kentucky resident who can legally own a firearm can conceal carry with
a valid Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is honored as being valid when carrying a concealed weapon in Kentucky.
Online Carry Training Program also gives Kentuckians the ability to carry many other states as well.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Kentucky residents can click on:
In Louisiana residents and nonresidents may carry a concealed weapon in public if they have a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
Online Carry Training Program also gives Louisiana residents the ability to carry many other states as well.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Louisiana residents can click on:
In Maine, those in the military and those who have been honorably discharged can carry if they are eighteen.
The state has a “shall issue” concealed carry permit for Maine residents. Maine also still issues Concealed Handgun Permits to Maine nonresidents.
Maine does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a valid permit. However, residents of Maine can still take this class and apply for the permit to be able to legally concealed carry in many other states. This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Maine residents can click on:
Maryland may issue concealed carry permits to both residents and nonresidents.
The state does not accept the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a valid concealed carry permit. However, Maryland residents are encouraged to take the class so they might legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Maryland residents can click on:
Massachusetts is a “may-issue” state for the issuance of licenses to carry firearms. This means that local licensing authorities have discretion regarding whether or not to issue a concealed carry permit.
Massachusetts residents and nonresidents may carry a firearm in public with a concealed carry permit. However, Massachusetts prohibits the possession of a loaded rifle or shotgun in public.
Unloaded rifles or shotguns may be carried enclosed in a case by a person with a permit.
Massachusetts does not accept Online Carry Training’s program. However, Massachusetts residents are encouraged to take advantage of Virginia Non Residents Carry Permit which allows Massachusetts residents to legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Massachusetts residents can click on:
The State of Michigan does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Permit.
However, Michigan residents are encouraged to take advantage of Virginia Non Residents Carry Permit which allows Michigan residents to legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Michigan residents can click on:
The state of Minnesota has partnered with the National Carry Academy to offer training to meet concealed carry requirements for application for a Minnesota Permit to Carry.
Minnesota residents can opt for an in-class program, an online training, or a hybrid option that combines both online training and in-classroom instruction.’
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Minnesota residents can click on:
Mississippi honors the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. Residents can legally concealed carry with this permit.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Mississippi residents can click on:
Missouri recognizes The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is a legal concealed carry permit.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Missouri residents can click on:
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Montana residents to obtain the right to carry a concealed weapon in Montana.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Montana as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Montana residents can click on:
In Nebraska you can carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle without a permit if it is visible. A permit is required to carry a concealed firearm in or outside a vehicle. Open carry is legal in Nebraska. However, local governments can set their own regulations. Be aware of these local laws.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Montana residents to obtain the right to carry a concealed weapon in Montana.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Nebraska as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.
It allows Nebraska residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Nebraska residents can click on:
In Nevada in order to conceal carry you must have a state permit. You can get this by applying to the sheriff of the county where you reside. It normally takes ninety to a hundred days to get a concealed carry permit. At the present time, out-of-state permits are not recognized by Nevada.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is not recognized by Nevada as a legal permit to carry a concealed weapon in the state.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Nebraska as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows Nevada residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
For more information, Nevada residents can click on:
New Hampshire has an “unrestricted” “shall issue” policy for concealed carry in the state. There is no age restriction and permits are issued to both residents and nonresidents. These permits are issued to residents by the sheriff’s and by the state department of justice to nonresidents.
The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training Program. However New Hampshire residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Hampshire residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Hampshire residents can click on:
New Jersey may issue a concealed carry permit to residents and nonresidents. The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training Program. However, New Jersey residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Jersey residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Jersey residents can click on:
In New Mexico, concealed carry is a “shall issue” situation. Permits for open and concealed carry do not require a permit. However, residents require a license to carry a handgun while they are on foot.
New Mexico accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal concealed carry permit.
Residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Mexico residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Mexico residents can click on:
New York does not presently recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a concealed carry permit in the state of New York.
However, New York residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New York residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New York residents can click on:
North Carolina has a “shall issue” policy for concealed carry. Residents are eligible. Nonresidents are not eligible for this permit. To get a permit from the local sheriff’s office you have to establish residence in North Carolina.
However, the State of North Carolina accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal permit for carrying a concealed weapon in the state.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, North Carolina residents can click on:
North Dakota issues concealed carry permits to eligible residents over eighteen. These are good only in the state. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
North Dakota also accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry/Permit as a legal concealed carry permit. Residents are encouraged to seek this permit in order to conceal carry in many other states.
For more information, North Dakota residents can click on:
The state of Ohio requires a training and qualification program before it issues a concealed carry permit to Ohio residents.
Ohio has a reciprocity agreement with other states when it comes to concealed carry by nonresidents. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
Ohio observes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as valid concealed carry permit. Residents are encouraged to take the course so that they may conceal carry in many other states.
For more information, Ohio residents can click on:
Oklahoma is a “shall issue” concealed carry state. Law enforcement authorities must issue a concealed carry permit to all who qualify under Oklahoma law. You must have a license to conceal carry.
Oklahoma recognizes Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as valid to carry in the State of Oklahoma. Oklahoma residents are encouraged to see the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they may carry in other states.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Oklahoma residents can click on:
Oregon is a “shall issue” state. The state issues concealed carry permits to Oregon qualified residents as well as residents of nearby counties.
To carry a concealed weapon in Oregon, you must have an Oregon Permit to Carry. In Oregon, Concealed and Carry Permits are issued by the Sherriff’s Department of the county in which you reside. Applications for the permit can be found at your local Sheriff’s Department. You must apply in person.
Carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Oregon is allowed if you have the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Oregon residents can click on:
The state of Pennsylvania issues permits to conceal carry to residents who have qualifications to apply. The state also allows concealed carry for nonresidents who have a valid conceal carry permit from a state with which Pennsylvania has a reciprocity agreement.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training program as a legal permit to concealed carry in the state. However, Pennsylvania residents are encouraged to take the course so they can conceal carry in many other states.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit is accepted as criteria for Pennsylvania residents to apply to their local sheriff’s office to gain their Pennsylvania Permit.
For more information, Pennsylvania residents can click on:
In Rhode Island, residents of the state and residents of other states who have a valid concealed carry permit from their state may carry a handgun on their person or in their vehicle. Others without a permit may carry an unloaded rifle or shotgun through the state.
The Online Carry Training Program is not recognized by Rhode Island. However residents are encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Permit so they can concealed carry in many states across the country.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Rhode Island residents can click on:
South Carolina is a “shall issue” state. Residents and out-of-state nonresidents who qualify may apply for concealed carry permits. However, nonresidents must own property in South Carolina to qualify.
South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permits are issued by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
Even though the Online Carry Training Program is not valid in South Carolina, residents of South Carolina are encouraged to qualify so they can concealed carry in many other states in the US.
For more information, South Carolina residents can click on:
South Dakota is a “shall issue” concealed carry permits for residents only.
In South Dakota, the Virginia Non Resident Carry License is authorized as a legal concealed carry permit.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, South Dakota residents can click on:
Tennessee requires residents to get a concealed carry permit from the state.
The state as a reciprocal agreement with Online Carry Training program.
A Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is a good first step in qualifying for a Tennessee concealed carry permit. Nonresidents who hold a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit can also legally concealed carry their firearm while in the state of Tennessee.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Tennessee residents can click on:
In Texas, a license to concealed carry is issued to qualified residents over twenty-one and over eighteen if in the military.
The State of Texas accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a legal license.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Texas residents can click on:
In Utah, concealed carry permits issued by other states are acceptable.
Obtaining a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License will allow you to carry a concealed weapon in the State of Utah.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Utah residents can click on:
Vermont allows concealed carry by residents without a permit.
The state allows anyone legally eligible to own a handgun to carry it concealed, even without a permit. Nonresidents may not get a concealed carry permit/license in Vermont.
Vermont recognizes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License for nonresidents. Residents are also encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit so they can concealed carry in many other states.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Vermont residents can click on:
In the State of Virginia the Online Carry Training Program will allow you to obtain your Virginia Resident Carry Permit/License.
Virginia concealed carry permits are available to qualified residents at your local circuit court.
The state recognizes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License for nonresidents. Residents are also encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit so they can concealed carry in many other states.
Virginia recognizes concealed carry permits from all other states providing permit holders are over twenty-one. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Virginia residents can click on:
Washington is a “shall issue” state. The state will provide a concealed carry permit to any resident or nonresident who can pass a background check. Fees are the same for residents and nonresidents but there is an extended two-month waiting period for nonresidents.
In Washington, Online Carry Training Program will not give you the ability to concealed carry. However, Washington residents who obtain their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License may also be submitted to the sheriff’s office to help you gain your Washington Permit.
For more information, Washington residents can click on:
In West Virginia as of June, 2016 residents over twenty-one who can legally own a firearm may concealed carry without a permit.
The Online Carry Training Program will allow you to carry in West Virginia by applying for your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
Residents are encouraged residents to obtain a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
For more information, West Virginia residents can click on:
Wisconsin is a “shall issue” state. The state issues concealed carry permits to residents only.
The Online Carry Training Program will allow you to carry in Wisconsin even if you are not a Wisconsin resident. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
Wisconsin residents are also encouraged to apply for a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they can carry in several other states.
For more information, Wisconsin residents can click on:
In Wyoming are able to carry a concealed weapon with a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License has been deemed valid for carrying a concealed weapon by the Wyoming State government.
Wyoming does not require a permit to concealed carry. The state respects the right of US citizens to own a handgun, a rifle, or a shotgun as long as they are qualified and law-abiding.
Wyoming residents are also encouraged to apply for a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they can carry in several other states.
For more information, Wyoming residents can click on:
How to apply for your Virginia Non-Resident Carry Permit/License
To apply for your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License visit:
You can also go to and on the left side of the page click the link for “firearms/concealed handguns” and then click on “Nonresident Concealed Handgun Permits” link.
This will bring you to a page that details the application process. You can begin the application process immediately by downloading their checklist of all the documents that need to be prepared to make your application.
This webpage will give you everything you need to apply. PLEASE NOTE: To obtain your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License, you will need to submit an additional $100 made payable to the Virginia Police.
Online Carry Training makes no representations or warranties regarding its customers’ legal right or ability to carry a firearm in states with reciprocal permit to carry or conceal and carry agreements with other jurisdictions. Though the state-specific certification our customers receive will allow them to apply for a permit under the laws of the state for which our classes are designed, such certification may not give you the legal right or ability to apply for permits in other states, including your home state. You should consult with appropriate law enforcement officials, or your own legal counsel, to determine whether or not the certification you receive from our courses will make you eligible apply for a permit in a particular state, or to otherwise carry a firearm in that state.
State Laws & Requirements
June 3, 2019
By completing the online carry training class, you will be able to apply for a permit allowing you to carry using a Virginia Non-Resident Permit/License. Please watch our video HERE to learn more.
If the Reciprocity legislation regarding concealed carry passes, all states will have to accept the concealed carry permits of other states. The rules regarding how each state will interpret concealed carry will not be changed by this new legislation.
Remember, not ALL states accept this course. Please read your state’s most current laws below BEFORE purchasing this class. All sales are final.
In the State of Alabama laws state anyone over eighteen can own a handgun without a concealed carry permit. That weapon may not be a sawed off shot or short rifle. Alabama does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a way to conceal carry in Alabama. However, having this permit might help you to acquire your Alabama state permit. You can get a state permit at any Alabama state sheriff’s office.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Alaskans who are eligible to own a handgun may conceal carry without a permit. The state does not issue concealed carry permits to non-residents. Having Online Carry Training’s Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit will allow Alaskan residents to conceal carry in many other states. Non-residents are encouraged to have the Online Carry Training’s Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit as it will allow them to carry their concealed firearm in Alaska.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Arizona allows any resident legally eligible to own a handgun to conceal carry without a concealed carry permit. However, the state offers concealed carry permits to Arizona residents who want to increase the number of states where they can concealed carry.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit allows nonresidents to conceal carry in Arizona.
Apply for an online Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit. For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Arkansas issues handgun concealed carry permits to Arkansas residents through an Arkansas State Police online training course. However, if you are a nonresident or you want to concealed carry in other states, the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License honored in Arkansas is also honored in many other states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
California has strict gun control laws. The state does not yet honor concealed carry permits from other states. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
California residents can increase the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry a weapon by getting the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License which allows them to conceal carry in many states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Colorado does issue carry permit/licenses to residents. The state also does not accept non-resident carry permit/licenses from other states presently. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Colorado will accept certain carry permit/licenses issued to residents of other states if you are a resident of the state that issued the permit.
Colorado does NOT recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal way to concealed carry in Colorado. However, Colorado residents can increase the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry a weapon by getting the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License which allows them to conceal carry in many states.
For more details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Connecticut does not presently recognize or accept concealed carry permits from other states. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Connecticut also does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal way to conceal carry in Connecticut.
However, Connecticut residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Delaware does not recognize The Online Carry Training Program for its residents and nonresidents to conceal carry. The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
Delaware does issue permits to its residents to conceal carry. These permit/licenses can be obtained by residents of Delaware through the Prothonotary Office.
Non-residents of Delaware may also be issued a temporary permit. This is up to the discretion of the Attorney General.
Delaware residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Florida does not accept Online Training’s Program for concealed carry in Florida whether you are a resident or a nonresident.
The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
However, the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Floridians concealed carry in many states across the country.
Florida residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit, click on:
Georgia does not issue non-resident conceal carry permits. However, it does issue permits to Georgia residents. These can be obtained through the Probate Courts.
Georgia does not accept Online Training’s Program for concealed carry in the state whether you are a resident or a nonresident.
Georgia also does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
But you could use the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to demonstrate handgun safety and use it to assist in obtaining a Georgia concealed carry permit.
The state does not recognize permits from other states at the present time. That is expected to change if the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Georgians to conceal carry in many states across the country.
Georgia residents are encouraged to obtain the State of Virginia’s Non Resident Carry Permit/License to INCREASE the number of states where they are allowed to conceal carry.
For details about how to obtain this best, fastest, and easiest route to acquiring a CCW Permit ,The Online Carry Training course residents of Georgia can click on:
In Hawaii, there is no license requirement for a firearm. However it must be registered when it is brought into the state.
Online Carry Training’s concealed carry program is not applicable in Hawaii. Hawaiian residents must register with country police in five days of their arrival in any county.
Hawaii is an “open carry” state. In rare situations where citizens fear for their lives, a concealed carry permit may be granted. With the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity Laws that may be enacted this could change.
Hawaiian law bans assault rifles and pistols and sawed off rifles or shotguns.
While Hawaiians cannot use their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to acquire an Hawaii Permit to Carry it will allow them to conceal carry in other states.
For more information, Hawaiians can click on:
Carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Idaho is possible with the help of the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. Idaho honors the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal permit for carrying a concealed weapon.
Since July 1, 2016, Idaho allows residents who are twenty-one and qualified to have a concealed carry firearm to do so without a permit.
A person who does have a concealed weapons license may carry a deadly weapon or firearm concealed and loaded in a vehicle.
Concealed weapon licenses are available from Idaho County Sheriff offices so that Idaho residents may carry in other states although this will not be necessary when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation becomes law.
For more information, Idaho residents can click on:
As of July, 2013, a concealed carry license is required to carry a concealed weapon.
Illinois does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a legal permit to carry a concealed weapon in the state. However, this will change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
However, Illinois residents are encouraged to take our online class and apply for the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit. This will expand the number of states where Illinois citizens can concealed carry their firearm.
For more information, Illinois residents can click on:
In Indiana, residents and nonresident over eighteen can conceal carry with a permit. Two typed of licenses—lifetime and limited term—are available. If the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation come into effect, Indiana will also recognize concealed carry permits from other states. Presently, the state of Indiana accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry License as a legal concealed carry permit.
For more information, Indiana residents can click on:
Iowa does not accept the Virginia Non Resident Carry License as a legal concealed carry permit. However, carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Iowa is helped by taking this class. This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
To carry a concealed weapon in Iowa, you will apply for an Iowa Permit to Carry. This is done in person at your local Sheriff’s office. You will be required to fill out an application, provide photo ID (driver’s license) along with your certificate of class completion and pay an application fee of $50.
For more information, Iowa residents can click on:
Any Kansas resident who can legally own a firearm can conceal carry without a permit.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
Online Carry Training Program is not needed to give you the ability to carry in Kansas but residents of Kansas can still utilize the online training program to obtain their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to add to the number of states in which they can presently carry.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Kansas residents can click on:
Any Kentucky resident who can legally own a firearm can conceal carry with
a valid Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is honored as being valid when carrying a concealed weapon in Kentucky.
Online Carry Training Program also gives Kentuckians the ability to carry many other states as well.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Kentucky residents can click on:
In Louisiana residents and nonresidents may carry a concealed weapon in public if they have a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
Online Carry Training Program also gives Louisiana residents the ability to carry many other states as well.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Louisiana residents can click on:
In Maine, those in the military and those who have been honorably discharged can carry if they are eighteen.
The state has a “shall issue” concealed carry permit for Maine residents. Maine also still issues Concealed Handgun Permits to Maine nonresidents.
Maine does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a valid permit. However, residents of Maine can still take this class and apply for the permit to be able to legally concealed carry in many other states. This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Maine residents can click on:
Maryland may issue concealed carry permits to both residents and nonresidents.
The state does not accept the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a valid concealed carry permit. However, Maryland residents are encouraged to take the class so they might legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Maryland residents can click on:
Massachusetts is a “may-issue” state for the issuance of licenses to carry firearms. This means that local licensing authorities have discretion regarding whether or not to issue a concealed carry permit.
Massachusetts residents and nonresidents may carry a firearm in public with a concealed carry permit. However, Massachusetts prohibits the possession of a loaded rifle or shotgun in public.
Unloaded rifles or shotguns may be carried enclosed in a case by a person with a permit.
Massachusetts does not accept Online Carry Training’s program. However, Massachusetts residents are encouraged to take advantage of Virginia Non Residents Carry Permit which allows Massachusetts residents to legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Massachusetts residents can click on:
The State of Michigan does not recognize the Virginia Non Resident Permit.
However, Michigan residents are encouraged to take advantage of Virginia Non Residents Carry Permit which allows Michigan residents to legally concealed carry in many states.
This will also change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Michigan residents can click on:
The state of Minnesota has partnered with the National Carry Academy to offer training to meet concealed carry requirements for application for a Minnesota Permit to Carry.
Minnesota residents can opt for an in-class program, an online training, or a hybrid option that combines both online training and in-classroom instruction.’
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Minnesota residents can click on:
Mississippi honors the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. Residents can legally concealed carry with this permit.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Mississippi residents can click on:
Missouri recognizes The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is a legal concealed carry permit.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Missouri residents can click on:
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Montana residents to obtain the right to carry a concealed weapon in Montana.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Montana as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Montana residents can click on:
In Nebraska you can carry a loaded handgun in a vehicle without a permit if it is visible. A permit is required to carry a concealed firearm in or outside a vehicle. Open carry is legal in Nebraska. However, local governments can set their own regulations. Be aware of these local laws.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License allows Montana residents to obtain the right to carry a concealed weapon in Montana.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Nebraska as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon.
It allows Nebraska residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Nebraska residents can click on:
In Nevada in order to conceal carry you must have a state permit. You can get this by applying to the sheriff of the county where you reside. It normally takes ninety to a hundred days to get a concealed carry permit. At the present time, out-of-state permits are not recognized by Nevada.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is not recognized by Nevada as a legal permit to carry a concealed weapon in the state.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is recognized by the State of Nebraska as a valid permit to carry a concealed weapon. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows Nevada residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
For more information, Nevada residents can click on:
New Hampshire has an “unrestricted” “shall issue” policy for concealed carry in the state. There is no age restriction and permits are issued to both residents and nonresidents. These permits are issued to residents by the sheriff’s and by the state department of justice to nonresidents.
The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training Program. However New Hampshire residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Hampshire residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Hampshire residents can click on:
New Jersey may issue a concealed carry permit to residents and nonresidents. The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training Program. However, New Jersey residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Jersey residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Jersey residents can click on:
In New Mexico, concealed carry is a “shall issue” situation. Permits for open and concealed carry do not require a permit. However, residents require a license to carry a handgun while they are on foot.
New Mexico accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal concealed carry permit.
Residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New Mexico residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New Mexico residents can click on:
New York does not presently recognize the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a concealed carry permit in the state of New York.
However, New York residents are encouraged to get The Virginia nonresident carry permit allows New York residents to increase the number of states in which they can carry. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, New York residents can click on:
North Carolina has a “shall issue” policy for concealed carry. Residents are eligible. Nonresidents are not eligible for this permit. To get a permit from the local sheriff’s office you have to establish residence in North Carolina.
However, the State of North Carolina accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as a legal permit for carrying a concealed weapon in the state.
This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, North Carolina residents can click on:
North Dakota issues concealed carry permits to eligible residents over eighteen. These are good only in the state. This may change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
North Dakota also accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry/Permit as a legal concealed carry permit. Residents are encouraged to seek this permit in order to conceal carry in many other states.
For more information, North Dakota residents can click on:
The state of Ohio requires a training and qualification program before it issues a concealed carry permit to Ohio residents.
Ohio has a reciprocity agreement with other states when it comes to concealed carry by nonresidents. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
Ohio observes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as valid concealed carry permit. Residents are encouraged to take the course so that they may conceal carry in many other states.
For more information, Ohio residents can click on:
Oklahoma is a “shall issue” concealed carry state. Law enforcement authorities must issue a concealed carry permit to all who qualify under Oklahoma law. You must have a license to conceal carry.
Oklahoma recognizes Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License as valid to carry in the State of Oklahoma. Oklahoma residents are encouraged to see the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they may carry in other states.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Oklahoma residents can click on:
Oregon is a “shall issue” state. The state issues concealed carry permits to Oregon qualified residents as well as residents of nearby counties.
To carry a concealed weapon in Oregon, you must have an Oregon Permit to Carry. In Oregon, Concealed and Carry Permits are issued by the Sherriff’s Department of the county in which you reside. Applications for the permit can be found at your local Sheriff’s Department. You must apply in person.
Carrying a concealed weapon in the State of Oregon is allowed if you have the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect.
For more information, Oregon residents can click on:
The state of Pennsylvania issues permits to conceal carry to residents who have qualifications to apply. The state also allows concealed carry for nonresidents who have a valid conceal carry permit from a state with which Pennsylvania has a reciprocity agreement.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
The state does not recognize the Online Carry Training program as a legal permit to concealed carry in the state. However, Pennsylvania residents are encouraged to take the course so they can conceal carry in many other states.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit is accepted as criteria for Pennsylvania residents to apply to their local sheriff’s office to gain their Pennsylvania Permit.
For more information, Pennsylvania residents can click on:
In Rhode Island, residents of the state and residents of other states who have a valid concealed carry permit from their state may carry a handgun on their person or in their vehicle. Others without a permit may carry an unloaded rifle or shotgun through the state.
The Online Carry Training Program is not recognized by Rhode Island. However residents are encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Permit so they can concealed carry in many states across the country.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Rhode Island residents can click on:
South Carolina is a “shall issue” state. Residents and out-of-state nonresidents who qualify may apply for concealed carry permits. However, nonresidents must own property in South Carolina to qualify.
South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permits are issued by the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division.
Even though the Online Carry Training Program is not valid in South Carolina, residents of South Carolina are encouraged to qualify so they can concealed carry in many other states in the US.
For more information, South Carolina residents can click on:
South Dakota is a “shall issue” concealed carry permits for residents only.
In South Dakota, the Virginia Non Resident Carry License is authorized as a legal concealed carry permit.
This is likely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, South Dakota residents can click on:
Tennessee requires residents to get a concealed carry permit from the state.
The state as a reciprocal agreement with Online Carry Training program.
A Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License is a good first step in qualifying for a Tennessee concealed carry permit. Nonresidents who hold a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit can also legally concealed carry their firearm while in the state of Tennessee.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Tennessee residents can click on:
In Texas, a license to concealed carry is issued to qualified residents over twenty-one and over eighteen if in the military.
The State of Texas accepts the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit as a legal license.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Texas residents can click on:
In Utah, concealed carry permits issued by other states are acceptable.
Obtaining a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License will allow you to carry a concealed weapon in the State of Utah.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Utah residents can click on:
Vermont allows concealed carry by residents without a permit.
The state allows anyone legally eligible to own a handgun to carry it concealed, even without a permit. Nonresidents may not get a concealed carry permit/license in Vermont.
Vermont recognizes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License for nonresidents. Residents are also encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit so they can concealed carry in many other states.
This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Vermont residents can click on:
In the State of Virginia the Online Carry Training Program will allow you to obtain your Virginia Resident Carry Permit/License.
Virginia concealed carry permits are available to qualified residents at your local circuit court.
The state recognizes the Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License for nonresidents. Residents are also encouraged to get a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit so they can concealed carry in many other states.
Virginia recognizes concealed carry permits from all other states providing permit holders are over twenty-one. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
For more information, Virginia residents can click on:
Washington is a “shall issue” state. The state will provide a concealed carry permit to any resident or nonresident who can pass a background check. Fees are the same for residents and nonresidents but there is an extended two-month waiting period for nonresidents.
In Washington, Online Carry Training Program will not give you the ability to concealed carry. However, Washington residents who obtain their Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License may also be submitted to the sheriff’s office to help you gain your Washington Permit.
For more information, Washington residents can click on:
In West Virginia as of June, 2016 residents over twenty-one who can legally own a firearm may concealed carry without a permit.
The Online Carry Training Program will allow you to carry in West Virginia by applying for your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License.
Residents are encouraged residents to obtain a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License to increase the number of states in which they can carry.
For more information, West Virginia residents can click on:
Wisconsin is a “shall issue” state. The state issues concealed carry permits to residents only.
The Online Carry Training Program will allow you to carry in Wisconsin even if you are not a Wisconsin resident. This is unlikely to change when the new Concealed Carry Reciprocity legislation comes into effect to include all states.
Wisconsin residents are also encouraged to apply for a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they can carry in several other states.
For more information, Wisconsin residents can click on:
In Wyoming are able to carry a concealed weapon with a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License. The Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License has been deemed valid for carrying a concealed weapon by the Wyoming State government.
Wyoming does not require a permit to concealed carry. The state respects the right of US citizens to own a handgun, a rifle, or a shotgun as long as they are qualified and law-abiding.
Wyoming residents are also encouraged to apply for a Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License so they can carry in several other states.
For more information, Wyoming residents can click on:
How to apply for your Virginia Non-Resident Carry Permit/License
To apply for your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License visit:
You can also go to and on the left side of the page click the link for “firearms/concealed handguns” and then click on “Nonresident Concealed Handgun Permits” link.
This will bring you to a page that details the application process. You can begin the application process immediately by downloading their checklist of all the documents that need to be prepared to make your application.
This webpage will give you everything you need to apply. PLEASE NOTE: To obtain your Virginia Non Resident Carry Permit/License, you will need to submit an additional $100 made payable to the Virginia Police.
Online Carry Training makes no representations or warranties regarding its customers’ legal right or ability to carry a firearm in states with reciprocal permit to carry or conceal and carry agreements with other jurisdictions. Though the state-specific certification our customers receive will allow them to apply for a permit under the laws of the state for which our classes are designed, such certification may not give you the legal right or ability to apply for permits in other states, including your home state. You should consult with appropriate law enforcement officials, or your own legal counsel, to determine whether or not the certification you receive from our courses will make you eligible apply for a permit in a particular state, or to otherwise carry a firearm in that state.